about us

Mumtaz Jonoub Refrigeration Industries Company

Mumtaz South Refrigeration Industries Company is active in the field of production of industrial refrigerators and freezers and store equipment, production of various types of ceiling sandwich panels, wall sandwich panels and refrigeration sandwich panels.

Design and implementation of cold storage in Shiraz, Bandar Abbas, Bushehr, Kerman and the south of the country, with experienced specialists and technical staff in the field of design and production, as well as using high quality raw materials to produce products with the highest quality in terms of accuracy, elegance, beauty and Has strengthened.

The products of this company in a short period of time due to the variety and quality of the product has gained a good position in the market. In Mumtaz South Refrigeration Industries Company, high quality is always in the forefront and affects the production method. Production of products such as industrial refrigerators and industrial freezers always requires optimal quality management in order to meet the demands and needs of customers.

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